‘Awareness of Humanity’
By Snowy Owl
May 6, 2009
Into shackled Labor via Perceptions,
A new network of Communication.
‘Awareness of Humanity’,
That Transcend Beliefs, Languages,
Cultures, Traditions, Sciences and Opinions,
It is coming forth right before our Eyes
Life Itself is Inter-Dependent
We Now Perceive it more Clearly.
Indeed, the Inter-Dependence of Life,
At all Scales, Casts, Class and Layers.
At the Micro, Meso, Macro and Mega Levels
Life, in all Forms, is Inter-Dependent
It is more obvious Day by Day.
Inter-Dependence... Keeping us Aware,
Making us Humble,
More Sympathic and Empathic.
We are discovering all these Gateways between Everything, year after year.
No Solar flares from our Sun as
Huge amount of Volcanic Ashes thrown out in Our Upper Atmosphere
Indeed means Cooler Temperature for our Earth.
Emergence of a new virus can affect all Humanity
Global Economic downfall affects all Nations
We are learning that we have to;
All together put our shoulders to the Wheel,
To reduce; conflicts, morbidity and mortality.
There are no other Ways.
Individual, Collective, National, Cultural, Scientific and Beliefs must Now,
Share their ‘Know How’ and co-ordinate the Dispatching of Resources
We are in this Together.
It’s all Understood
Snowy Owl
Teetering On The Edge Of A Flu Pandemic?
by Snowy Owl - Sun May 03, 2009
"There is a lot of misunderstanding in terms of fear and death," Margaret Chan, the United Nations public health agency’s director-general, told the Wall Street Journal Sunday. "It doesn’t mean death in big numbers is going to happen."
"We hope the virus fizzles out, because if it doesn’t we are heading for a big outbreak." But she said: "I’m not predicting the pandemic will blow up, but if I miss it and we don’t prepare, I fail. I’d rather over-prepare than not prepare."
She stressed that a likely increase to the agency’s highest "level six" pandemic alert did not necessarily mean "every country and every individual will be affected" with many more deaths.
Rather "it is a signal to public health authorities to take appropriate measures" such as intensified disease surveillance. (Financial Times)
Priorities in a global crisis
The Priority in order to reduce morbidity and mortality World Wide is to do the best we can to make sure that there are;
continuity of Humanitarian Governance,
Civil Order,
active support for Health Care Providers,
supports for the distribution of essential Services and Pruducts,
to give as much information as possible to teach people to become as much autonomous as possible and to teach them auto-treatment and finally provide them all pertinent informations on available alternatives in Medicines.
Snowy Owl
Global Warming Alarmists Out in the Cold
IT’S snowing in April. Ice is spreading in Antarctica. The Great Barrier Reef is as healthy as ever.
And that’s just the news of the past week. Truly, it never rains but it pours - and all over our global warming alarmists.
Time’s up for this absurd scaremongering. The fears are being contradicted by the facts, and more so by the week.
Doubt it? Then here’s a test.
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